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Dyslexia and other reading-based learning disabilities are most common among students. NaturalReader text-to-speech makes learning more accessible by assisting with any reading, taking tests and promoting independence.
Students can have any text they need to read, read aloud to them so they can read along. Having the text provided both visually and auditory, allows the student to focus less on the act of reading, and more on the comprehension of the content. Other features like dyslexia font, flexible reading speeds, and highlighted text also ease the task of finishing readings.
For most students, learning does not stop when school ends. NaturalReader EDU enables students to be more independent and assists with learning at home. Whether they’re doing homework, reading at home, or just surfing the web, our Chrome Extension and Mobile Application are always available.
A NaturalReader EDU Site License provides text-to-speech applications for the entire school. Under a site license, the school must register with their school email domain, to give every student with an email address access. Site License pricing is structured around total student enrolment in that school year and is best suited for a user base of 1000+.
A NaturalReader EDU Group License is built to provide smaller groups of students access to our applications. Most Group Licenses are for special education groups and individual classes. Group Licenses can be for any number of students (minimum 5), and offer flexible pricing that is able to fit into most schools' budgets.
A NaturalReader EDU Subscription is managed and purchased by the school to give access to their students. The administrator in charge of the EDU account is responsible for managing what students have access to the EDU account.
Students will have a personal email-based account through which they can access our Online Reader, Chrome Extension and Mobile Application. One personal account connects all applications and creates a library of recordings. Students can listen to uploaded text and documents with the apps and listen to websites directly with the extension using our high-quality text-to-speech voices.
No! NaturalReader only requires an email address and password for account registration and no user data is used for AI voice training or saved in ChatGPT.
The only data Administrators of the EDU account will have access to, is the last access time of students.
Both our Plus and Premium Subscriptions feature all of our paid features (MP3 Download, Camera Scanner for physical text, Ask.AI and AI Text Filtering).
The only difference between the two subscription options is the AI voice quality. Plus Subscriptions allow students to listen with our most natural-sounding Plus AI Voices, as well as our new multi-lingual LLM voices. Our Premium Subscription allows users to use all of our Premium non-AI voices.